Our interactive product catalogs are digital versions of our surface finishes and glass finishes sample books. Use features like a keyword search function to help you easily find what you’re looking for, a bookmark tool to save your favorite patterns, an option to share with others and more.
For a complete list of 3M™ DI-NOC™ Architectural Finishes offerings, download the digital PDF version of our most recent 3M™ DI-NOC™ Architectural Finishes sample book.
View all our Glass Finishes portfolios. Download the digital PDF version of our most recent 3M Glass Finishes sample book.
Browse 3M™ Architectural Finishes, watch videos, and compare 3M products on BIM, a digital marketplace for the construction industry.
3M™ Architectural Finishes Installation Guides
3M™ DI-NOC™ Architectural Finishes and 3M™ FASARA™ Glass Finishes can be cleaned with typical commercial cleaners and disinfectants that kill microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses and fungi.
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