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    An inspired idea that keeps inspiring.

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    An inspired idea that keeps inspiring.

    Post-it® Notes have attached themselves to our everyday lives. But their ubiquity can surprise you. That’s what FLAD Architects in San Francisco learned.

    An inspired idea that keeps inspiring.

    Post-it® Notes have attached themselves to our everyday lives. But their ubiquity can surprise you. That’s what FLAD Architects in San Francisco learned.

    An inspired idea that keeps inspiring.

    Post-it® Notes have attached themselves to our everyday lives. But their ubiquity can surprise you. That’s what FLAD Architects in San Francisco learned.

    • Post It Note Flower

      Post-it® Notes have attached themselves to our everyday lives. But their ubiquity can surprise you. That’s what FLAD Architects in San Francisco learned. Stumped for ideas during a contest to design a rug pattern, they started playing with Post-it® Notes and were surprised at what happened. Manipulating the notes accordion-style, profoundly beautiful designs emerged, full of life and color and movement. The team captured these designs on film and submitted them for the contest. And while they didn’t win, they think they got something much better: A new way to think about the process of creation itself, inspired by the humble Post-it® Note.

      See the ever-evolving beauty of the Post-it® Note