Peripheral IV Care Solutions

As your trusted partner in protecting patients, we share your goal of reducing the risk of PIV complications. And we want to do everything in our power to help you achieve it.

Make peripheral lines a central focus

Make peripheral lines a central focus

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    Banner showing risks for peripheral intravenous (PIV) access

PIV requirement

Up to 70% of patients require a PIV during their hospital stay.¹

PIV Catheters and CR-BSIs

16-23% of all CR-BSIs are associated with peripheral catheters ²,³,⁴

PIV catheter failures

46% to 59% of PIV catheters fail before the end of the therapy⁵!

Mortality rate

With 12,7% mortality rate for CR-BSIs originating from PIV cathethers, the severity of PIV complications cannot be ignored.⁶

Trained & committed people

Good PIV Catheter care takes training and commitment. Watch these educational courses made to help clinicians ensure proper protocols are followed for every patient, every time. Further educational modules are in preparation in Europe. Keep in touch to know when they become available! Learn more about 3M resources to help clinicians ensure proper protocols are followed for every patient, every time.


Watch these PIV Care education courses

you can watch these modules if you are a registered user of our Healthcare Academy. Get your credentials ready and click here!.

Not registered yet? Get your access to our Healthcare Academy now!

Request a demonstration

Our 3M specialists will answer your questions - either in person or with an online consultation and virtual demonstration. We are here for you.

Prevention in practice: PIV care and maintenance guidelines.

We believe having the right standards of care, combined with the latest technology can help improve outcomes for every patient. Review these care and maintenance recommendations from around the world:

Table of Guidelines

Table of Guidelines

Table of Guidelines

INS 2021:

RCN 2016:

epic3 (2014):

CDC 2011: (PDF, 610 KB)

Our solutions to prevent infection risks

Preventing the risk for extra-luminal contamination: view the 3M dressings available for peripheral IV care and note our new Tegaderm™ IV Advanced Securement Dressing 9132 with antimicrobial properties!

Our solutions to prevent intraluminal infection risk

Using a peripheral line bundle including disinfecting caps and tips can effectively lower the rate of primary bloodstream infections attributable to peripheral IV lines and disconnected tubing.⁷

How to help minimise the risk of skin damage around the IV Site

Effective & proven technology

3M’s evidence-based antimicrobial product offerings protect against both extraluminal and intraluminal contamination of PIVs. When properly deployed, these antimicrobial solutions offer another line of defense against potential contamination.

Learn more about prevention of central line infections


Request a demonstration

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    1. Zingg W, Pittet D. Peripheral venous catheters: an under-evaluated problem. Int J Antimicrob Agents. 2009;34(S4):S38–S42.
    2. Résultats de la surveillance nationale 2019, REPIAS, SPIADI. Accessed February 25, 2022.
    3. NRZ Deutsche nationale Punkt-Prävalenzerhebung zu nosokomialen Infektionen und Antibiotika-Anwendung 2016 Abschlussbericht, Accessed February 25, 2022. (PDF, 4.1MB)
    4. Mermel LA. Short-term peripheral venous catheter–related bloodstream infections: a systematic review. Clinical Infectious Diseases. 2017;65(10):1757-1762
    5. Helm RE, Klausner JD, Klemperer JD, Flint LM, Huang E. Accepted but unacceptable: Peripheral IV catheter failure. J Infus Nurs. 2015;38(3):189–203
    6. Saliba P, Hornero A, Cuervo G, et al. Mortality risk factors among non-ICU patients with nosocomial vascular catheter-related bloodstream infections: a prospective cohort study. Journal of Hospital Infection. 2018;99(1):48-54.
    7. Duncan M, Warden P, Bernatchez SF, Morse D. A bundled approach to decrease the rate of primary bloodstream infections related to peripheral intravenous catheters. Journal of the Association for Vascular Access. 2018;23(1):15-22.
    8. 3M data on file TECH-REPORT-05-742819